Using Multiple Bitbucket Accounts on a Single Device

Generate SSH Keys for Each Bitbucket Account

  1. Generate SSH key for Software Company account:
   ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -C "" -f ~/.ssh/softwarecompany
  1. Add each private key to the SSH agent, such as:
   ssh-add ~/.ssh/softwarecompany
  1. Add the generated public key ( to the Bitbucket account’s SSH settings.
  2. Generate SSH key for Tech Company account:
   ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -C "" -f ~/.ssh/techcompany
  1. Add each private key to the SSH agent, such as:
   ssh-add ~/.ssh/techcompany
  1. Add the generated public key ( to the Bitbucket account’s SSH settings.

Configure SSH Config File

  1. Open the SSH configuration file in a text editor:
   nano ~/.ssh/config
  1. Add the following entries for each Bitbucket account:
   Host softwarecompany
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/softwarecompany

   Host techcompany
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/techcompany

Cloning Repositories

When cloning repositories, replace the default host with the configured host:

  • For Software Company:
  git clone git@softwarecompany:myworkspacesoftwarecompany/myrepo.git
  • For Tech Company:
  git clone git@techcompany:myworkspacetechcompany/myanotherrepo.git

Ensure to replace with the appropriate configured host. You’re all set! This setup allows you to work with multiple Bitbucket accounts on a single device seamlessly.

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