HTTP/2 on Apache

Introduction to HTTP/2

HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. It was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) HTTP Working Group as the successor to HTTP/1.1.

Benefits of HTTP/2:

  1. Improved Performance: HTTP/2 introduces several optimizations to reduce latency and improve website loading times, resulting in faster and more efficient web browsing experiences.
  2. Multiplexing: Unlike HTTP/1.1, which relies on multiple connections to load resources concurrently, HTTP/2 allows multiple requests and responses to be multiplexed over a single connection, reducing overhead and improving efficiency.
  3. Header Compression: HTTP/2 uses header compression techniques to minimize the overhead associated with transmitting HTTP headers, resulting in reduced bandwidth usage and faster page loads.
  4. Server Push: HTTP/2 supports server push, allowing servers to proactively send resources to clients before they are requested, further reducing latency and improving page load times.
  5. Binary Protocol: HTTP/2 is a binary protocol, as opposed to the text-based nature of HTTP/1.1, which simplifies parsing and processing, resulting in improved performance and reduced complexity.

Overall, HTTP/2 offers significant improvements in performance, efficiency, and user experience compared to its predecessor, making it the preferred choice for modern web applications and services.

Configuring HTTP/2 on Apache

Step 1: Install PHP-FPM

Update the package index:

apt-get update

Install PHP-FPM for PHP 7.4:

apt-get install php7.4-fpm

Step 2: Install Necessary PHP Components and Configure Apache

Disable the PHP module for Apache:

/usr/sbin/a2dismod php7.4

Enable the PHP-FPM configuration for Apache:

/usr/sbin/a2enconf php7.4-fpm

Enable the proxy_fcgi module for Apache:

/usr/sbin/a2enmod proxy_fcgi

Disable the mpm_prefork module:

/usr/sbin/a2dismod mpm_prefork

Enable the mpm_event module:

/usr/sbin/a2enmod mpm_event

Enable the HTTP/2 module:

/usr/sbin/a2enmod http2

Step 3: Configure Virtual Host for HTTP/2

Edit the virtual host configuration file:

nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/domain.conf

Add the following line inside the <VirtualHost> tag:

Protocols h2 http/1.1

Step 4: Restart Apache

Restart the Apache service to apply the changes:

systemctl restart apache2


You have successfully configured Apache to support HTTP/2. By installing PHP-FPM, enabling necessary PHP components, and configuring Apache with HTTP/2 support, you can take advantage of the performance benefits offered by the HTTP/2 protocol. Ensure to restart Apache to apply the changes, and test your website to confirm HTTP/2 compatibility.

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