Documentation for Setting Up PostgreSQL Password File

This guide will help you set up a .pgpass file to connect to a PostgreSQL database without being prompted for a password.

Step 1: Create the .pgpass File

Create a .pgpass file in your home directory or another preferred location with the following content:


Step 2: Set File Permissions

Ensure that the .pgpass file has the correct permissions to protect its content. Run the following command:

sudo chmod 600 /path/to/.pgpass

This command sets the file permissions to be read and write for the file owner only.

Step 3: Set File Owner

Set the file owner to the user with which you will be logging in. Replace login_username with your actual login username:

sudo chown login_username:login_username /path/to/.pgpass

Step 4: Set the PGPASSFILE Environment Variable

Set the PGPASSFILE environment variable to point to your .pgpass file. Add the following line to your shell profile (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .zshrc):

export PGPASSFILE='/path/to/.pgpass'

Reload your shell profile to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc

Replace ~/.bashrc with the appropriate profile file if using a different shell.

Step 5: Connect to the Database

Now, you can connect to the PostgreSQL database without being prompted for a password by using the psql command. Remove the -w option if it was previously used:

psql -h host -U someuser somedb


By following these steps, you have set up a .pgpass file to securely store your PostgreSQL credentials and configured your environment to use it. This allows you to connect to the database without entering the password each time.

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