Setting Up Ejabberd


In this guide, we’ll set up the Ejabberd XMPP server, configure LDAP authentication, and secure it with SSL certificates. We’ll reference our previous setups of Inspircd and LDAP for user authentication and SSL certificate generation.

Step 1: Install Ejabberd

Begin by installing the Ejabberd XMPP server:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ejabberd

Step 2: Configure Ejabberd

Navigate to the Ejabberd configuration directory and edit the ejabberd.yml configuration file:

cd /etc/ejabberd/
sudo nano ejabberd.yml

Update the configuration file with the following settings:

  • hosts: Set the domain name for your Ejabberd server. If your domain is, it should be:
    - ""
  • auth_method: Configure Ejabberd to use LDAP for authentication. Reference the LDAP server we set up previously:
  auth_method: [ldap]
  ldap_servers: ["localhost"]
  ldap_port: 389
  ldap_rootdn: "cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com"
  ldap_password: "p@$$word"
  ldap_base: "dc=domain,dc=com"
  • certfiles: Specify the path to the SSL certificate file generated for Ejabberd. If using Let’s Encrypt, concatenate the privkey.pem and fullchain.pem files:
    - "/etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/privkey.pem"
    - "/etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/fullchain.pem"

Step 3: Restart Ejabberd

After making changes to the configuration, restart the Ejabberd service to apply the new settings:

sudo systemctl restart ejabberd.service

Step 4: Verify Ejabberd is Running

Check the status of the Ejabberd service and ensure the required ports are open:

sudo systemctl status ejabberd.service
sudo ss -nplt


You’ve successfully set up the Ejabberd XMPP server, configured LDAP authentication, and secured it with SSL certificates. Ejabberd provides a powerful and scalable platform for real-time communication within your organization. In the previous guides, we set up Inspircd for IRC communication and LDAP for centralized authentication, laying the foundation for a comprehensive communication infrastructure.

Stay tuned for more guides on enhancing your server setup and security!

For reference, here are the previous guides:

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